
Playfulness - Day One Charity

How Playfulness Can Enhance Mental Well-being and Creativity

In today’s fast-paced world, filled with deadlines and responsibilities, the idea of “play” might seem like a frivolous luxury reserved solely for children. However, mounting scientific evidence suggests that playfulness, at any age, holds the key to unlocking a treasure trove of benefits for our mental well-being and creativity. This article delves into the fascinating

How Playfulness Can Enhance Mental Well-being and Creativity Read More »

ghosting - Day One Charity

Ghosting for Mental Health: Is it Okay to Distance Yourself from Toxic Friends or Family?

In our fast-paced world, communication styles are constantly evolving. The term “ghosting” has become increasingly common, particularly in the context of online dating. But what happens when this concept bleeds into close relationships with friends or family? Can distancing yourself from someone who is negatively impacting your mental health be considered acceptable? This blog post

Ghosting for Mental Health: Is it Okay to Distance Yourself from Toxic Friends or Family? Read More »